各式光碟印刷用轉盤墊片,適用於國內外各大廠牌CD/DVD印刷設備,如恒基、冠印、雷明、同翰、KAMMANN、MIYAKOSHI、DUBUIT、DIC...等等廠牌機器。 *各種

Various printing pad for CD / DVD printing m/c & printer ( ex. Hanky, Guannyinn, Lamin, Tunghan, Kammann, Miyakoshi, Dubuit, DIC and so on)
*Design Service Offered: different materials & sizes are available*
We specialized in producing and selling various printing pad, printing blanket, disc bonding pad, disc checking pad, PTFE coated fabrics, PTFE coated tapes and PTFE coated conveyer belts products. To get more details, please contact us by E-mail or visit our website.
We are looking forward to serving you soon.

說明: 1.敝公司之聽力健檢車經新竹市工業研究院量測技術發展中心測試通過並取得測試合格証照,符合九十七年度勞委會勞工噪音檢測試合格証照,符合九十七年度勞委會勞工噪音檢查法規內之合格之規定。(法規聽力檢